Spray Foam Magazine – Spring 2022 – Something in the well water is sparking creativity in the magical world of spray foam. Jennifer Gomez, owner of Once Upon a StoryBook Studio™ in Texas shares her process of using foam to create enchanted pieces for her photography business.
Tell us about yourself, what do you do? I am a woman-veteran and am highly creative and artistic. In high school and college, I had my own cartoon strip as I wanted so much to work as a Disney Artist. I found minor artistic outlets, but nothing that really set my soul on fire. After some time in the military, I started my own photography business. Additionally, I started volunteering at a local professional haunted house. The team there was VERY advanced, and I learned a lot about airbrushing, painting, and manipulating foam for set designs. I’ve since started my own business and create exceptionally creative sets so I may provide immersion style portrait experiences for my clients.
Do you own your own company? I own Once Upon a StoryBook Studio™ – Interactive Immersion Portrait Experience Studio. Woman-Veteran-Owned Award-Winning Family Portrait Studio and Members of the Professional Photographers of America since 2006. www.StoryBookStudio.com
Why were you constructing a well? What was it for? Was it difficult? I made the Wishing Well as a part of my Royal Fairytale Portrait Experience. The Wishing Well is part of the story. It was a challenge as I had never seen one like this before and so I had to be creative and make it up as I went. I’m thrilled with how it came out, and I am very proud of it.
Why did you use spray foam? Spray foam is so versatile. It acts as a glue, a filler, and when dried, makes a marvelous source to carve. With the right effects, it can look like stone or wood.
What kind of spray foam did you use for the well? I used canned foam and an AWF Pro Professional Spray Foam Gun as I’m new to the spray foam industry. I’m excited to learn about the different options available as my next project will involve a substantial amount of spray foam.
Was there anyone else involved in this project that you’d like to include? I did this project myself. My staff decorated the set around it with flowers and greenery. I would LOVE to encourage your readers to use this medium to create ART!
Highlighting women in the spray foam industry is extremely important to our all women team here at Spray Foam Magazine, as well as giving artists a place to demonstrate how to spray foam in unique ways.
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